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About Alyssa

Way Back...

When I was little, a trip to Costco was as exciting as one to the toy store. It was not for the free samples (well, that could have been part of it!) but to pick up our prints that we had developed there. 


I spent hours sorting through new and old photos in the bottom drawer of my mothers bureau. They sparked fond memories of my childhood and gave me a glimpse into my families past.


Fast Forward....

I am a wife to a husband who makes me laugh everyday. He supports my crazy ideas, like the one to start a photography career, just as I was finishing up my Masters Degree in an unrelated field.

Together, we have three beautiful, wild & always entertaining children.  

I love to capture their personalities, adventures and emotions. These pictures are my most prized possession and someday my children's as well.


I feel incredibly lucky that my career as a photographer gives families something so irreplaceable. 

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